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Added Packages

gui-libs/hyprutilsHyprland utilities library used across the ecosystem
net-vpn/microsoft-azurevpnclientMicrosoft Azure VPN client for connecting securely to the Azure cloud
sec-keys/openpgp-keys-bradhouseOpenPGP keys used by Brad House
sec-keys/openpgp-keys-cgzonesOpenPGP keys used by Christian Göttsche (cgzones)
dev-ruby/process_executerAn API for executing commands in a subprocess
net-misc/gensioGeneral Stream I/O
dev-python/btrfsutilLibrary for managing Btrfs filesystems
dev-ml/async_logLogging library built on top of Async_unix
dev-ml/cstructAccess C-like structures directly from OCaml
dev-ml/uoptAn [option]-like type that incurs no allocation

Updated Packages