Enable NVIDIA CUDA support (computation on GPU)
Package | “cuda” Flag Description |
dev-libs/libflatarray | Enables plugins for NVIDIA GPUs (e.g. CUDAAllocator) |
media-gfx/blender | Build cycles renderer with nVidia CUDA support. |
media-gfx/openvdb | Enable support for CUDA in NanoVDB |
media-libs/opencv | Enable NVIDIA Cuda computations support (Experimental!) |
media-video/ffmpeg | Enable support for various GPU-accelerated filters using NVIDIA PTX compiled with llvm-core/clang |
media-video/ffmpeg-compat | Enable support for various GPU-accelerated filters using NVIDIA PTX compiled with llvm-core/clang |
net-misc/moonlight | Enable accelerated video rendering on NVIDIA hardware |
net-misc/sunshine | Enable accelerated video encoding on NVIDIA hardware |
sci-chemistry/gromacs | Enable cuda non-bonded kernels |
sci-libs/clblast | Build with support for cuda instead of opencl (beta!) |
sci-libs/dlib | Enable support for CUDA for Deep Neural Networks (cuDNN) on GPU (experimental) |
sci-libs/ginkgo | Add support for cuda assimp (dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit) |
sys-apps/hwloc | Enable CUDA device discovery using libcudart |