Packages describing “daemon” as local USE flag

Package“daemon” Flag Description
app-shells/atuinEnable the autin background daemon on the client
dev-libs/libcgroupInstall the configuration tools and init/config files.
mail-mta/msmtpBuild/install msmtpd MTA daemon
media-sound/pulseaudioBuild the pulseaudio binary (not-needed for pipewire-pulse)
net-dns/knotEnable Knot DNS main daemon
net-libs/toxEnable the DHT Bootstrap Daemon.
net-p2p/amuleEnable amule daemon
net-p2p/bitcoin-coreBuild and install bitcoind daemon
sys-apps/openrazerBuild the OpenRazer daemon service
sys-apps/smartmontoolsInstall the monitoring daemon (smartd) and associated scripts.
sys-auth/polkitBuild polkitd in addition to libpolkit.
sys-fs/udisksBuild the system daemon, not just the client tool
www-apps/tt-rssInstall additional init scripts for automated RSS updates

All packages providing a “daemon” USE flag (5)