Install examples, usually source code
Package | “examples” Flag Description |
app-text/robodoc | Installs usage examples in /usr/share for Perl |
dev-haskell/cmdargs | Build the cmdargs-demo program |
dev-libs/aml | Build and install examples |
gui-libs/libdecor | Build and install examples |
gui-libs/neatvnc | Build and install examples |
media-video/libva-utils | Build and install decode, encode, videoprocess and other VA-API examples. |
net-dns/ddclient | Install various example files, like for cron. |
net-firewall/ufw | Example ufw config files |
net-libs/webkit-gtk | Install the MiniBrowser example application |
net-misc/mosh | Include example scripts |
sci-physics/espresso | Installs the examples |
sys-power/iasl | Install acpiexamples binary |
x11-libs/pango | Install source code examples |