app-admin/rsyslog | Add support for encrypted log files using dev-libs/libgcrypt |
app-admin/sudo | Use message digest functions from dev-libs/libgcrypt instead of sudo's |
app-backup/dar | Enables strong encryption support |
app-crypt/libsecret | Enable Backend library to implement transport encryption via dev-libs/libgcrypt |
app-crypt/qca | Enable gcrypt plugin |
app-emulation/fuse-utils | Use dev-libs/libgcrypt for low-level crypto of some features, including logfiles. |
app-emulation/libspectrum | Use dev-libs/libgcrypt for low-level crypto of some features, including logfiles. |
dev-libs/xmlsec | Install xmlsec-gcrypt library |
dev-perl/Net-SSH2 | Use libgcrypt instead of openssl |
media-video/ffmpeg | Enable using dev-libs/libgcrypt for rtmp(t)e support (not needed if using any of USE=gmp,librtmp,openssl), and for obtaining random bytes (not needed if USE=openssl) |
media-video/ffmpeg-compat | Enable using dev-libs/libgcrypt for rtmp(t)e support (not needed if using any of USE=gmp,librtmp,openssl), and for obtaining random bytes (not needed if USE=openssl) |
media-video/vlc | Enable cryptography support via libgcrypt |
net-analyzer/hydra | Enable radmin2 support through dev-libs/libgcrypt |
net-libs/libgsasl | Use dev-libs/libgcrypt for low-level crypto |
net-libs/libssh2 | Use dev-libs/libgcrypt instead of dev-libs/openssl |
net-misc/gsasl | Use dev-libs/libgcrypt for low-level crypto |
net-vpn/strongswan | Enable dev-libs/libgcrypt plugin which provides 3DES, AES, Blowfish, Camellia, CAST, DES, Serpent and Twofish ciphers along with MD4, MD5 and SHA1/2 hash algorithms, RSA and DH groups 1,2,5,14-18 and 22-24(4.4+). Also includes a software random number generator. |
sys-apps/systemd | Enable use of dev-libs/libgcrypt for various features |
sys-auth/munge | Use libgcrypt instead of openssl |
sys-fs/cryptmount | Support libgcrypt-encryption of keys. |
sys-fs/cryptsetup | Use dev-libs/libgcrypt crypto backend |