Add USB support to applications that have optional USB support (e.g. cups)

Packages describing “usb” as local USE flag

Package“usb” Flag Description
app-crypt/ekeydBuild the libusb-based userland daemon for accessing the EntropyKey (alternative to the CDC USB driver). It is suggested to use this option by default, as the CDC driver in the kernel often seems to be fragile (or the gadget implementation on the EntropyKey is too buggy), and can cause various problems.
app-crypt/gnupgBuild direct CCID access for scdaemon; requires dev-libs/libusb.
app-emulation/qemuEnable USB passthrough via dev-libs/libusb
app-mobilephone/gammuEnable USB suport
kde-plasma/kinfocenterShow USB device information
net-misc/icaclientAllow connecting USB devices to virtual desktops
sys-apps/superdiagInstall all files, which are needed for an installation on an usb thumb drive.
sys-firmware/ipxeBuild a bootable USB image for using PXE
sys-power/nutIncludes all UPS drivers that use USB.

All packages providing a “usb” USE flag (36)