Add support for XML files
Package | “xml” Flag Description |
app-admin/passwordsafe | Enable XML import support |
app-antivirus/clamav | DMG and XAR support |
dev-debug/gdb | Support parsing XML data files needed (at least) for cpu features, memory maps, and syscall tracing |
dev-perl/Config-Any | Install support libraries to support decoding XML config files |
dev-python/pyqt6 | Build bindings for the QtXml module |
dev-python/pyside | Build QtXml module |
dev-python/qtpy | Pull in QtXml module |
dev-util/ctags | Enable XML parsing support |
media-sound/xmms2 | Enable support for various XML based playlists and sources: RSS, XSPF |
media-video/ffmpeg | Enable Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) stream support using dev-libs/libxml2 |
media-video/ffmpeg-compat | Enable Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) stream support using dev-libs/libxml2 |
sci-biology/newick-utils | Uses dev-libs/libxml2 to handle ornaments |
sys-apps/hwloc | use libxml2 for XML support, instead of a custom minimalistic support |
sys-devel/sparse | Build the c2xml utility (requires dev-libs/libxml2) |
sys-power/nut | Includes all UPS drivers that use XML. |
www-client/elinks | Enable support for bookmarks via dev-libs/expat |