
Robust, full-featured Open Source Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Pkgcheck Warnings

  • All Versions
    • 3.3.1
      • 3.3.0
        • 3.2.2
          • DroppedKeywords
            amd64-linux, x86-linux
        • 3.2.1-r2
          • RedundantVersion
            slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 3.2.2
          • StableRequest
            slot(0) no change in 64 days for unstable keywords: [ ~amd64, ~arm, ~arm64, ~hppa, ~ppc, ~ppc64, ~sparc, ~x86 ]
        • 3.1.6
          • RedundantVersion
            slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by versions: 3.2.1-r2, 3.2.2
        • 3.1.5-r2
          • RedundantVersion
            slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by versions: 3.1.6, 3.2.1-r2, 3.2.2
        • 3.0.14
          • RedundantVersion
            slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by versions: 3.1.5-r2, 3.1.6, 3.2.1-r2, 3.2.2
        • 3.0.13-r2
          • 1.1.1w
            • OutdatedBlocker
              outdated blocker RDEPEND="!<net-misc/openssh-8.0_p1-r3": last match removed 4.2 years ago
            • VulnerablePackage
              vulnerable via glsa(202402-08) ( ( ('fullver',) ver < 3.0.10 ) && not ( ('fullver',) ver >= 3.0.10 ) ), keywords: alpha, amd64, amd64-linux, arm, arm64, arm64-macos, hppa, ia64, loong, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc-macos, ppc64, riscv, s390, sparc, x64-macos, x64-solaris, x86, x86-linux
          • 1.0.2u-r1
            • RedundantVersion
              slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 1.1.1w
            • UnquotedVariable
              unquoted variable EPREFIX on line: 124
            • VulnerablePackage
              vulnerable via glsa(202004-10) ( ( ('fullver',) ver < 1.1.1g ) && not ( ('fullver',) ver >= 1.1.1g ) ), keywords: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, arm64-macos, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, riscv, s390, sparc, x86, x86-linux
            • VulnerablePackage
              vulnerable via glsa(202012-13) ( ( ('fullver',) ver < 1.1.1i ) && not ( ('fullver',) ver >= 1.1.1i ) ), keywords: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, arm64-macos, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, riscv, s390, sparc, x86, x86-linux
            • VulnerablePackage
              vulnerable via glsa(202103-03) ( ( ('fullver',) ver < 1.1.1k ) && not ( ('fullver',) ver >= 1.1.1k ) ), keywords: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, arm64-macos, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, riscv, s390, sparc, x86, x86-linux
            • VulnerablePackage
              vulnerable via glsa(202210-02) ( ( ('fullver',) ver < 1.1.1q ) && not ( ('fullver',) ver >= 1.1.1q ) ), keywords: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, arm64-macos, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, riscv, s390, sparc, x86, x86-linux
            • VulnerablePackage
              vulnerable via glsa(202402-08) ( ( ('fullver',) ver < 3.0.10 ) && not ( ('fullver',) ver >= 3.0.10 ) ), keywords: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, arm64-macos, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, riscv, s390, sparc, x86, x86-linux

          Pkgcheck is used regularly to generate QA reports. Pkgcheck is a pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos.