adm | System group: adm |
aerospike-amc | A group for app-admin/aerospike-amc-community |
airdcppd | Group for net-p2p/airdcpp-webclient |
alertmanager | System group: alertmanager |
amanda | System group: amanda |
amavis | Group for mail-filter/amavisd-new |
amule | Group for net-p2p/amule |
android | Group for dev-util/android-{ndk,sdk-update-manager} |
anope | Group for Anope IRC services |
apache | System group: apache |
apt-cacher-ng | System group: apt-cacher-ng |
argus | gid for net-analyzer/argus |
arpwatch | A group for net-analyzer/arpwatch |
asterisk | Group for asterisk |
at | System group: at |
atheme-services | Group for Atheme IRC services |
atuin | System group: atuin |
audio | System group: audio |
automatic | System group: automatic |
automx2 | Group for net-mail/automx2 |
avahi | group for avahi |
avahi-autoipd | group for avahi-autoipd |
axtls | A group for net-libs/axtls |
backuppc | Group for app-backup/backuppc |
bacula | A group for the bacula backup system |
bareos | Group for the bareos network backup suite |
beanstalk | A group for app-misc/beanstalkd |
bedrock | A group for the Minecraft Bedrock server |
biboumi | System group: biboumi |
bind_exporter | System group: bind_exporter |
bird | System group: bird |
bitcoin | A group for users with access to system-wide Bitcoin services |
bitflu | A group for net-p2p/bitflu |
bitlbee | System group: bitlbee |
blackbox_exporter | System group: blackbox_exporter |
boinc | Group for sci-misc/boinc |
brlapi | System group: brlapi |
brltty | System group: brltty |
buildbot | Buildbot program group |
bumblebee | System group: bumblebee |
burp | Group for the app-backup/burp server |
cadvisor | System group: cadvisor |
cancd | A group for the CA NetConsole Daemon |
carbon | System group: carbon |
cdrom | System group: cdrom |
ceph | System group: ceph |
cgit | System group: cgit |
chronograf | System group: chronograf |
chrony_exporter | chrony_exporter group |
clair | System group: clair |
clamav | System group: clamav |
cntlm | Group for net-proxy/cntlm |
cockroach | A group for dev-db/cockroach |
collectd | collectd program group |
colord | System group: colord |
consul | System group: consul |
consul_exporter | System group: consul_exporter |
consul-template | System group: consul-template |
coredns | A group for net-dns/coredns |
croc | Group for net-misc/croc |
cron | A group for sys-process/cronbase |
_cron-failure | A group for sys-process/systemd-cron failure emails |
crontab | System group: crontab |
cvmfs | Group for the CernVM-FS network file system |
davfs2 | System group: davfs2 |
dbmail | System group: dbmail |
dbskkd | A group for app-i18n/dbskkd-cdb |
ddclient | A group for the dynamic DNS client |
defang | A group for mail-filter/mimedefang |
dehydrated | dehydrated program group |
deluge | System group: deluge |
dhcp | System group: dhcp |
dhcpcd | System group: dhcpcd |
dialout | System group: dialout |
dictd | gid for app-text/dictd |
dirsrv | Group for net-nds/389-ds-base |
disk | System group: disk |
distcc | System group: distcc |
dnrd | Group for net-dns/dnrd |
dnscrypt-proxy | Group for net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy |
dnsdist | A group for net-dns/dnsdist |
dnsmasq | System group: dnsmasq |
dnsmasq_exporter | System group: dnsmasq_exporter |
docker | System group: docker |
docker_auth | System group: docker_auth |
dovecot | System group: dovecot |
dovenull | System group: dovenull |
drone | A group for dev-util/drone |
ejabberd | Group for net-im/ejabberd |
elasticsearch | Elasticsearch program group |
elasticsearch_exporter | A group for app-metrics/elasticsearch_exporter |
energi3 | Group for system-wide net-p2p/energi3 |
epam | Group for ejabberd's epam functionality |
epmd | Group for Erlang Portmapper Daemon |
err | System group: err |
etcd | System group: etcd |
exabgp | System group: exabgp |
ez-ipupd | Group for net-dns/ez-ipupdate |
fax | A group for net-dialup/mgetty |
fcron | A group for sys-process/fcron |
fdm | Group for net-mail/fdm |
fetchmail | Group for net-mail/fetchmail |
fhem | A group for the FHEM perl server for house automation |
fingerprint | System group: fingerprint |
firebird | A group for dev-db/firebird |
flatpak | System group: flatpak |
floppy | System group: floppy |
flows | gid for net-analyzer/flow-tools |
fluentd | A group for app-admin/fluentd |
foldingathome | A group for sci-biology/foldingathome |
fp-multiuser | A group for net-vpn/fp-multiuser |
freenet | Group for net-p2p/freenet |
fritzbox_smarthome_exporter | System group: fritzbox_smarthome_exporter |
frr | System group: frr |
ftp | File Transfer Protocol server user |
ftpproxy | A group for net-ftp/frox |
fvwm-crystal | System group: fvwm-crystal |
gamemode | Group for the system-wide games-util/gamemode resource group |
gamestat | Group for shared high-score and game state files |
gatling | System group: gatling |
gauth | A group for sys-auth/google-authenticator-wrappers |
gdm | System group: gdm |
geneweb | Group for geneweb daemon |
geoclue | System group: geoclue |
gerbera | Gerbera UPnP Media Server group |
git | System group: git |
github-exporter | System group: github-exporter |
gitlab-runner | System group: gitlab-runner |
gkrellmd | System group: gkrellmd |
gluster | System group: gluster |
gnome-remote-desktop | System group: gnome-remote-desktop |
gns3 | System group: gns3 |
gnump3d | A group for media-sound/gnump3d |
gnupg-pkcs11 | Group for app-crypt/gnupg-pkcs11-scd |
gnupg-pkcs11-scd-proxy | Group for app-crypt/gnupg-pkcs11-scd |
goaccess | System group: goaccess |
gopher | System group: gopher |
gopherd | A group for net-misc/geomyidae |
gpib | System group: gpib |
grafana | grafana program group |
graylog | Graylog program group |
greetd | Group for gui-libs/greetd |
grok_exporter | A group for app-metrics/grok_exporter |
groonga | Group for app-text/groonga |
gvm | Greenbone vulnerability management program group |
h2o | A group for www-servers/h2o |
haclient | A group for sys-cluster/cluster-glue |
haproxy | System group: haproxy |
havp | Group for net-proxy/havp |
headscale | System group: headscale |
hsqldb | Group for hsqldb |
http | System group: http |
i2c | System group: i2c |
i2p | Group for system-wide net-vpn/i2p |
i2pd | Group for the system-wide net-vpn/i2pd server |
icecast | A group for net-misc/icecast |
icecream | A group for sys-devel/icecream |
ices | A group for net-misc/ices |
icinga | System group: icinga |
icingacmd | System group: icingacmd |
icingaweb2 | System group: icingaweb2 |
inadyn | System group: inadyn |
incus | Group for app-containers/incus |
incus-admin | Group for app-containers/incus |
influxdb | System group: influxdb |
input | System group: input |
inspircd | System group: inspircd |
ipfs | Group for the system-wide net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin server |
ipsec | ipsec (strongswan) program group |
ipsentinel | A group for net-misc/ip-sentinel |
iroffer | System group: iroffer |
jackett | System group: jackett |
jellyfin | System group: jellyfin |
jenkins | Jenkins program group |
kafka | System group: kafka |
kapacitor | System group: kapacitor |
karma | A group for www-apps/karma-bin |
kibana | Kibana program group |
kismet | net-wireless/kismet |
kmem | System group: kmem |
knot | System group: knot |
knot-resolver | System group: knot-resolver |
kube-apiserver | System group: kube-apiserver |
kube-controller-manager | System group: kube-controller-manager |
kube-scheduler | System group: kube-scheduler |
kvm | System group: kvm |
ldap | System group: ldap |
libreoffice | System group: libreoffice |
libvirt | System group: libvirt |
lidarr | System group: lidarr |
lightdm | A group for x11-misc/lightdm |
lighttpd | System group: lighttpd |
lldpd | System group: lldpd |
locate | System group: locate |
logcheck | Group for app-admin/logcheck |
logstash | Logstash program group |
logsurfer | Group for app-admin/logsurfer |
lp | System group: lp |
lpadmin | System group: lpadmin |
lxc | Group for app-containers/lxc |
lxd | Group for app-containers/lxd |
Mail program group | |
man | System group: man |
maradns | System group: maradns |
memcached | System group: memcached |
memcached_exporter | System group: memcached_exporter |
messagebus | System group: messagebus |
mgraph | Group for net-mail/mailgraph |
microsoft-identity-broker | Group for sys-auth/microsoft-identity-broker |
milter-regex | Group for mail-filter/milter-regex |
minecraft | A group for the Minecraft server |
minetest | A group for the Minetest server |
minidlna | System group: minidlna |
mogile | MogileFS group |
mongodb | MongoDB program group |
mongodb_exporter | System group: mongodb_exporter |
monitorix | Monitorix system tool group |
monkeysphere | monkeysphere program group |
mosquitto | A group for the mosquitto MQTT broker |
motion | System group: motion |
msmtpd | System group: msmtpd |
munge | A group for sys-auth/munge |
munin | System group: munin |
murmur | System group: murmur |
mysql | MySQL program group |
mysqld_exporter | System group: mysqld_exporter |
mythtv | Mythtv mythbackend server/deamon group |
nagios | System group: nagios |
named | System group: named |
netdata | System group: netdata |
netdev | group for netdev (avahi) |
netperf | A group for net-analyzer/netperf |
nginx | A group for www-servers/nginx |
nginx-unit | A group for www-servers/nginx-unit |
nginx-vts-exporter | System group: nginx-vts-exporter |
ngircd | Group for ngircd (IRC daemon) |
ngrep | A group for net-analyzer/ngrep |
nm-openconnect | A group for net-vpn/networkmanager-openconnect |
nm-openvpn | A group for net-vpn/networkmanager-openvpn |
nobody | System group: nobody |
node_exporter | System group: node_exporter |
nofiles | System group: nofiles |
notary | Group for app-misc/notary |
nsd | System group: nsd |
nslcd | System group: nslcd |
ntopng | System group: ntopng |
ntp | System group: ntp |
nullmail | A group for the nullmailer |
nut | A group for the Network-UPS Tools |
nzbget | Group for net-nntp/nzbget |
oidentd | System group: oidentd |
openct | System group: openct |
opendkim | Group for OpenDKIM |
opendmarc | Group for mail-filter/opendmarc |
opendnssec | A group for net-dns/opendnssec |
openhab | System group: openhab |
openntpd | System group: openntpd |
openrct2 | A group for the OpenRCT2 dedicated server |
openttd | A group for games-simulation/openttd |
openvpn | System group: openvpn |
openvpn_exporter | System group: openvpn_exporter |
opm | Group for an open proxy monitor |
oprofile | A group for dev-util/oprofile JIT code processing |
oragono | Group for the Oragono IRC server |
ossec | Group for net-analyzer/ossec-hids |
owntracks | Group for sci-geosciences/owntracks-recorder |
p2p | Group for mldonkey |
partimag | A group for sys-block/partimage |
pcap | Group for capturing network traffic |
pcscd | System group: pcscd |
pdns | System group: pdns |
pdnsd | System group: pdnsd |
pgagent | A group for dev-db/pgagent |
pipewire | System group: pipewire |
pkcs11 | Group for dev-libs/opencryptoki |
plex | Plex Media Server group |
plugdev | Group controlling access to removable media |
polkitd | System group: polkitd |
polw | Group for mail-filter/policyd-weight |
popa3d | Group for net-mail/popa3d |
portage | System group: portage |
postdrop | System group: postdrop |
postfix | System group: postfix |
postfix_exporter | System group: postfix_exporter |
postfwd | A group for mail-filter/postfwd |
postgres | PostgreSQL program group |
postgres_exporter | System group: postgres_exporter |
postgrey | Group for the postgrey mail daemon |
privoxy | A privoxy: privacy oriented web proxy group |
prometheus | System group: prometheus |
prosody | A group for net-im/prosody |
prowlarr | System group: prowlarr |
psybnc | Group for net-irc/psybnc |
pulse | System group: pulse |
pulse-access | System group: pulse-access |
puppet | System group: puppet |
puppetdb | System group: puppetdb |
pushgateway | A group for app-metrics/pushgateway |
pvpgn | Group for pvpgn (gaming server for Battle.Net compatible clients) |
qbittorrent | Group for the system-wide net-p2p/qbittorrent server |
qemu | System group: qemu |
qmail | System group: qmail |
quassel | System group: quassel |
rabbitmq | A group for net-misc/rabbitmq-server |
rabbitmq_exporter | A group for app-metrics/rabbitmq_exporter |
radarr | System group: radarr |
radicale | Group for the www-apps/radicale |
radius | FreeRadius program group |
radvd | A group for the Router Advertisement Daemon |
rbldns | System group: rbldns |
rbot | A group for net-irc/rbot |
readarr | System group: readarr |
realtime | realtime privileges group |
redict | Redict program group |
redis | Redis program group |
redis_exporter | System group: redis_exporter |
redmine | System group: redmine |
redsocks | A group for net-proxy/redsocks |
reg | A group for app-containers/reg |
registry | A group for app-containers/docker-registry |
render | System group: render |
roccat | A group for sys-apps/roccat-tools |
root | System group: root |
rrdcached | System group: rrdcached |
rslsync | A group for net-p2p/resilio-sync |
rspamd | Group for rspamd - Rapid spam filtering system |
rt | A group for www-apps/rt |
rtkit | Group for the Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon |
rwhoisd | Group for net-misc/rwhoisd |
sabnzbd | SABnzbd program group |
sagan | Group for the Sagan log monitoring system |
samplicator | A group for net-misc/samplicator |
sancp | gid for net-analyzer/sancp |
sandmann | System group: sandmann |
sanlock | shared storage lock manager |
sauerbraten | Group for Sauerbraten (FOSS game engine (Cube 2)) |
scanlogd | A group for net-analyzer/scanlogd |
scanner | Group for media-gfx/sane-backends |
scponly | group for scponly |
scsi | System group: scsi |
sddm | A group for x11-misc/sddm |
seat | Group for sys-auth/seatd |
serf | A group for app-admin/serf |
sgx | System group: used for SGX enclaves |
sispmctl | Group for sys-power/sispmctl |
sks | Group for SKS OpenPGP keyserver |
slurm | A group for the slurm - Highly Scalable Resource Manager |
smmsp | System group: smmsp |
sms | System group: sms |
smtpd | daemon group for smtpd |
smtpq | queue group for smtpd |
snapserver | Server group for media-sound/snapcast |
sniproxy | System group: sniproxy |
snmp_exporter | A group for app-metrics/snmp_exporter |
snort | System group: snort |
sobexsrv | A group for sobexsrv: a secure OBEX server |
sockd | A group for net-proxy/dante |
sogo | Group for gnustep-apps/sogo |
soju | User for the net-irc/soju IRC bouncer |
sonarr | System group: sonarr |
spamd | Group for the SpamAssassin daemon |
spectrum | A group for the Spectrum messaging transport |
spire | System group: spire |
sqlgrey | Group for SQLGrey |
squid | System group: squid |
sshd | System group: sshd |
ssmtp | Group for mail-mta/ssmtp |
sssd | A group for sys-auth/sssd |
sstpc | Group for net-misc/sstp-client |
stalwart-mail | System group: stalwart-mail |
stapdev | System group: stapdev |
stapsys | System group: stapsys |
stapusr | System group: stapusr |
steamcmd | A group for the SteamCMD server |
stubby | Stubby program group (from net-dns/getdns) |
stunnel | group for stunnel |
subsonic | A group for media-sound/subsonic-bin |
supervisor | Group to grant access to app-admin/supervisor's management |
suricata | Group for Suricata IDS |
svnusers | System group: svnusers |
svxlink | A group for the svxlink server |
synapse | A group for net-im/synapse |
syncthing | Group for the system-wide net-p2p/syncthing server |
systemd-coredump | System group: systemd-coredump |
systemd-journal | System group: systemd-journal |
systemd-journal-remote | System group: systemd-journal-remote |
systemd-network | System group: systemd-network |
systemd-oom | System group: systemd-oom |
systemd-resolve | System group: systemd-resolve |
systemd-timesync | System group: systemd-timesync |
tape | System group: tape |
taskd | A group for app-misc/taskd |
teamspeak | A group for the TeamSpeak server |
telegraf | System group: telegraf |
tenshi | Group for app-admin/tenshi |
tinyproxy | gid for net-proxy/tinyproxy |
tlsrpt-reporter | System group: tlsrpt-reporter |
tomcat | Group for Apache Tomcat |
tor | group for tor daemon |
tox | Group management for package net-libs/tox |
transmission | System group: transmission |
trickster | A group for www-apps/trickster |
trojan | System group: trojan |
tsm | System group: tsm |
tss | Trusted Software Stack for TPMs group |
ttrssd | Group for www-apps/tt-rss |
tty | System group: tty |
turnserver | A group for a turn server like coturn |
ubridge | Group for net-misc/ubridge |
ulogd | Group for ulogd |
unbound | unbound program group |
unbound-telemetry | System group: unbound-telemetry |
unifi | A group for the UniFi controller |
unrealircd | System group: unrealircd |
upmpdcli | Group for upmpdcli |
uptimed | System group: uptimed |
usb | System group: usb |
users | System group: users |
ushare | Group for uShare |
utmp | System group: utmp |
uucp | System group: uucp |
uuidd | System group: uuidd |
uwsgi_exporter | A group for app-metrics/uwsgi_exporter |
vacation | A group for www-apps/postfixadmin |
varnish | group for varnish |
vault | System group: vault |
vault_exporter | A group for app-metrics/vault_exporter |
vboxguest | System group: vboxguest |
vboxsf | System group: vboxsf |
vboxusers | System group: vboxusers |
vdr | A group for the VDR (VideoDiskRecorder) |
vdradmin | Group for www-misc/vdradmin-am |
video | System group: video |
vlock | A group for app-misc/vlock |
vnstat | Group for vnstat network monitoring |
vpopmail | System group: vpopmail |
wesnoth | System group: wesnoth |
wheel | System group: wheel |
wwwoffle | Group for net-proxy/wwwoffle |
x2goprint | Group for net-misc/x2goserver |
x2gouser | Group for net-misc/x2goserver |
xpra | group for x11-wm/xpra |
xrootd | Group for the XRootD server |
xwax | A group for media-sound/xwax |
yubihsm-connector | System group: yubihsm-connector |
zabbix | Group for Zabbix |
zeppelin | Group for system-wide www-apps/zeppelin-bin |
ziproxy | System group: ziproxy |
znc | Group for net-irc/znc |
zookeeper | A group for sys-cluster/zookeeper-bin |