
The app-misc category contains various miscellaneous application packages which don't belong anywhere else.

abducolightweight session manager with {de,at}tach support
abookAbook is a text-based addressbook program designed to use with mutt mail client
acdctlApple Cinema Display Control
actkbdA keyboard shortcut daemon
aldoA morse tutor
ankiA spaced-repetition memory training program (flash cards)
ansiweatherWeather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
asciicast-toolsTools for creating recordings of console sessions
asciinemaCommand line recorder for service
astrologA many featured astrology chart calculation program
astrolog-ephemerisephemeris files for optional extended accuracy of astrolog's calculations
awayTerminal locking program with few additional features
bannerThe well known banner program for Linux
battopInteractive batteries viewer
bbLightweight ASCII art demo using media-libs/aalib
beancounterFinance performance calculation engine with full data acquisition, SQL support
beanstalkdA simple, fast work queue
beepAdvanced PC speaker beeper
bfrGeneral-purpose command-line pipe buffer
bgrepGrep-like tool to search for binary strings
bijibenNote editor designed to remain simple to use
binclockDisplays a binary clock in your terminal
binwalkAnalyzes data for embedded file types
birthdayDisplays a list of events happening in the near future
blink1blink(1) USB RGB LED status light control suite
bottlerocketCLI interface to the X-10 Firecracker Kit
boxesDraw any kind of boxes around your text
brewtargetApplication to create and manage beer recipes
brootA new way to see and navigate directory trees
btailBayesian logfile filter
byobuA set of profiles for the GNU Screen console window manager (app-misc/screen)
ca-certificatesCommon CA Certificates PEM files
cadubiAn application that allows you to draw ASCII-Art images
calendarStandard unix calendar program for Linux, ported from OpenBSD
carbon-c-relayEnhanced C version of Carbon relay, aggregator and rewriter
cbviewviewer/converter for CBR/CBZ comic book archives
cdargsBookmarks and browser for the shell builtin cd command
cdcatSimple yet effective CD indexing program
cdctlUtility to control your cd/dvd drive
cdircmpCompare directories and select files to copy
cdspeedChange the speed of your CD drive
cfilesA ncurses file manager written in C with vim like keybindings
check-jsonschemaA CLI and set of pre-commit hooks for jsonschema validation
chkcrontabA tool to detect crontab errors
ckbCorsair K65/K70/K95 Driver
ckermitCombined serial and network communication software package
clockywockncurses based analog clock
cmatrixNcurses based app to show a scrolling screen from the Matrix
colorEasily add ANSI colouring to shell scripts
colordiffColorizes output of diff
conmuxA console multiplexor
countrycodesAn ISO 3166 country code finder
cpipeCounting pipe, measures data transfered over pipe
c_rehashc_rehash script from OpenSSL
crunchA wordlist generator
cstreamGeneral-purpose stream-handling tool like UNIX dd
cwA non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for common unix-based commands
dailystripsDailystrips automatically downloads your favorite online comics from the web
daselQuery, update and convert data structures from the command line
datefudgeA program (and preload library) to fake system date
dateutilsCommand line date and time utilities
datovkaGUI to access the Czech data box e-government system
ddatePerpetual date converter from gregorian to poee calendar
ddccontrolControl monitor parameters, like brightness, contrast, RGB color levels via DDC
ddccontrol-dbDDCControl monitor database
ddcuiGraphical user interface for ddcutil - control monitor settings
ddcutilProgram for querying and changing monitor settings
delaySleeplike program that counts down the number of seconds specified
detachttyAttach/detach from interactive processes across the network
detoxSafely remove spaces and strange characters from filenames
devtodoHierarchical command-line task manager
dfshowUnix-like rewrite of some of the applications from DF-EDIT
digitempTemperature logging and reporting using Maxim's iButtons and 1-Wire protocol
dtachEmulates the detach feature of screen
dvorak7minSimple ncurses-based typing tutor for learning the Dvorak keyboard layout
dvtmDynamic virtual terminal manager
ebusdDaemon for communication with eBUS heating systems
editor-wrapperWrapper scripts that will execute EDITOR or PAGER
egadsEntropy Gathering And Distribution System
elasticsearchFree and Open, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
emptySmall shell utility, similar to expect(1)
enumReplacement for GNU seq and BSD jot
esekeydMultimedia key daemon that uses the Linux event interface
evtesttest program for capturing input device events
faqFormat agnostic jQ
fastfetchFast neofetch-like system information tool
fdupesIdentify/delete duplicate files residing within specified directories
fdutilsUtilities for configuring and debugging the Linux floppy driver
fhemA GPL'd perl server for house automation
figletprogram for making large letters out of ordinary text
filebusA user space multicast named pipe implementation backed by a regular file
flircAllows you to pair any remote control with your computer or media center
fmawkFile manager written in awk
fr24feedFlightradar24 data sharing software
francisProductivity application using the well-known pomodoro technique
FreeSSMFree and easy to use diagnostic and adjustment tool for SUBARU® vehicles
freewvsScans filesystem for known vulnerable web applications
fslurpRead and display data from Fronius IG and IG Plus inverters
fsniperMonitors a given set of directories for new files
fxTerminal JSON viewer & processor
g810-ledLed controller for Logitech G- Keyboards
gcalThe GNU Calendar - a replacement for cal
geekcodeGeek code generator
genewebGenealogy software program with a Web interface
gentooGraphical file manager for Unix-like systems, using GTK+
gentoo-electionsGentoo election control data and scripts
geoclueLocation information D-Bus service
getoptgetopt(1) replacement supporting GNU-style long options
glastreeglastree is a poor mans snapshot utility using hardlinks written in perl
glcdprocdriverA glue between the graphlcd-base library from the GraphLCD project
gnoteDesktop note-taking application
gnuitGNU Interactive Tools - increase speed and efficiency of most daily tasks
go-jiraA simple JIRA commandline client in Go
gojqPure Go implementation of jq with yaml support
gollysimulator for Conway's Game of Life and other cellular automata
grabcartoonsComic-summarizing utility
grampsCommunity genealogy program aiming to be both intuitive and feature-complete
graphlcd-baseContains the lowlevel lcd drivers for GraphLCD
grcGeneric Colouriser beautifies your logfiles or output of commands
gtk-sunlightReal-time Sunlight Wallpaper
gtypistUniversal typing tutor
hastyhexA blazing fast hex dumper
hatoolsHigh availability environment tools for shell scripting
hddledShow hard disk activity using the scroll lock LED
helloGNU "Hello, world" application
hexcomparencurses-based visual comparison of binary files
hiliteUtility which highlights stderr text in red
hivexLibrary for reading and writing Windows Registry 'hive' binary files
hodiea Latin date(1)
hyfetchNeofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
i2bitsUtility to convert hex or dec to binary format
icdiffColourized diff that supports side-by-side diffing
imgurbash2Bash script that uploads/deletes images to/from imgur
inputlircdInputlirc daemon to utilize /dev/input/event*
intercepttya program that can sit between a serial port and an application
irtrans-irclientASCII Client for the IRTrans Server
irtrans-irserverServer software for IRTrans
jailBuilds a chroot and configures all the required files, directories and libraries
jaqJust another JSON query tool
jdupesIdentify duplicate files on the filesystem
jfA small utility to safely format and print JSON objects in the commandline
joJSON output from a shell
jotPrint out increasing, decreasing, random, or redundant data
joy2keyAn application that translates joystick events to keyboard events
joymouseAn application that translates joystick events to mouse events
jpCommand line interface to JMESPath
jpipeCommand line interface to JMESPath
jqA lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
kanatestVisual flashcard tool for memorizing the Japanese Hiragana and Katakana alphabet
khalA CalDAV based calendar
khardConsole CardDAV client
klavaroAnother free touch typing tutor program
koleo-cliA simple CLI for railway planner
kryoflux-dtcKryoFlux Host Software
ktoblzcheckLibrary to check account numbers and bank codes of German banks
lcd4linuxA small program that grabs information and displays it on an external LCD
lcdprocDisplays real-time system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD
leaveFreeBSD command-line tool that reminds you when its time to leave
leditA line editor to be used with interactive commands
lfmLast File Manager is a powerful file manager for the console
libdatovkaClient library for accessing ISDS SOAP services
linux-logoA utility that displays an ANSI/ASCII logo and some system information
linuxspaLinux Serial Protocol Analyser
liquidctlCross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices
lircdecode and send infra-red signals of many commonly used remote controls
livecd-toolsGentoo LiveCD tools for autoconfiguration of hardware
lockfile-progsPrograms to safely lock/unlock files and mailboxes
logiopsAn unofficial userspace driver for HID++ Logitech devices
lsxlist executables
ltunifyTool for working with Logitech Unifying receivers and devices
lxsplitCommand-line file splitter/joiner for Linux
mcGNU Midnight Commander is a text based file manager
media-player-infoRepository of data files describing media player capabilities
mencalCalendar to track menstruation cycles
meplSelf-employed-mode software for 3COM/USR message modems
mime-typesProvides /etc/mime.types file
mkcertA zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates
mmvMove/copy/append/link multiple files according to a set of wildcard patterns
mosquittoAn Open Source MQTT v3 Broker
mouseremoteX10 MouseRemote
muttprintScript for pretty printing of your mails
mvcaseA modified version of mv, used to convert filenames to lower/upper case
mx5000toolsTools for controlling the LCD on a Logitech MX5000 keyboard
neofetchSimple information system script
nnnThe missing terminal file browser for X
no-more-secretsRecreate decrypting text from 1992 movie 'Sneakers'
notaryA project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data
noteA note taking perl program
nullmodemA Utility to loopback Pseudo-Terminals
nutRecord what you eat and analyze your nutrient levels
olaOpen Lighting Architecture, a framework for lighting control information
ondirAutomatically execute scripts as you traverse directories
onekoA cat, dog and others which chase the mouse or windows around the screen
openhab-binAn open-source automation software for your home
openrgbOpen source RGB lighting control
openrgb-plugin-effectsPlugin for OpenRGB with various Effects that can be synced across devices
openrgb-plugin-skinPlugin for OpenRGB that allows you to customize the look and feel of OpenRGB
openrgb-plugin-visualmapPlugin for OpenRGB to create virtual devices out of multiple real ones
palCommand-line calendar program
pax-utilsELF utils that can check files for security relevant properties
perltrashCommand-line trash can emulation
petSimple command-line snippet manager
pfmTerminal-based file manager written in Perl
physlockLightweight Linux console locking tool
pipWrapper around programs that don't support stdin/stdout
piperGTK application to configure gaming devices
pipeworksSmall utility that measures throughput between stdin and stdout
plodTool to help administrators keep track of daily activities
prog-expressA modern and intuitive control software for the Batronix USB programming devices
ps3pf_utilsUtilities to set the ps3 specific features
pwsafeA Password Safe compatible command-line password manager
qlcplusSoftware to control DMX or analog lighting systems
qtxdg-toolsUser Tools from libqtxdg
race64High performance base64 encoder and decoder
radeontopUtility to view Radeon GPU utilization
rangerVim-inspired file manager for the console
razertoolUnofficial tool for controlling the Razer Copperhead mouse
rbutilRockbox open source firmware manager for music players
rdfindFind duplicate files based on their content
recollPersonal full text search package
regex-markupA tool to color syslog files as well
regionsetSets the region on DVD drives
remindRidiculously functional reminder program
reptyrA utility to attach a running program to a new terminal
resolve-march-nativeResolve GCC flag -march=native
rioutilA utility for accessing various Rio media players
rlRandomize lines from text files or stdin
rlwrapGNU readline wrapper
roversimple file browser for the terminal
rox-filerROX-Filer a drag and drop spatial file manager
rpickHelps you pick items from a list by various algorithms
rtlamrsoftware defined radio receiver for utility smart meters
rundeck-cli-binCommand line tool for rundeck
screenscreen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
screenfetchBash Screenshot Information Tool
screenieA small and lightweight screen wrapper
scrubOverwrite files with iterative patterns
sdateNever ending September date
selectaA fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select
siegfriedSignature-based file format identification
skimCommand-line fuzzy finder
slSophisticated graphical program which corrects your miss typing
smtmStock ticker, profit/loss calculator and chart tool
socnetvQt Social Network Visualizer
solaarLinux Device Manager for Logitech Unifying Receivers and Paired Devices
sonypidTool to use the Sony Vaios jog-dial as a mouse-wheel
spacenavdThe spacenavd daemon provides free alternative to the 3dxserv daemon
sphinxFull-text search engine with support for MySQL and PostgreSQL
spirethe spiffe runtime environment
splitvtSplitting terminals into two shells
srmA command-line compatible rm which destroys file contents before unlinking
supercatA text file colorizer using powerful regular expressions
symlinksScans for and fixes broken or messy symlinks
taskTaskwarrior is a command-line todo list manager
taskdServer part of Taskwarrior, a command-line todo list manager
tdfsbSDL based graphical file browser
tdlCommand line To Do List manager
terminal-colorsA tool to display color charts for 8, 16, 88, and 256 color terminals
timestampA text filtering pipe that marks each line with a timestamp
timewTracks your time from the command line, and generates reports
timew-reportAn interface for Timewarrior report data
tkpasmanUseful and reliable personal password manager, written in Tcl/Tk
tmateInstant terminal sharing
tmuxTerminal multiplexer
tmux2htmlRender full tmux windows or individual panes as HTML
tmux-mem-cpu-loadCPU, RAM memory, and load monitor for use with tmux
tmuxptmux session manager. built on libtmux
tmux-xpanestmux-based terminal divider
todoA CLI-based TODO list manager
toiletThe Other Implementations letters. Figlet replacement
tpipeCommand to duplicate standard input to more than one program
tprintTransparent Print Utility for terminals
trackerA tagging metadata database, search tool and indexer
tracker-minersCollection of data extractors for Tracker/Nepomuk
transfolioEnables data transfer between the PC and the Atari Portfolio
trash-cliPython scripts to manipulate trash cans via the command line
tty-clockDisplays a simple digital clock on the terminal
ttyloadcolor-coded graph of load averages over time
ttyrecttyrec provides tools to record and replay a terminal session
tzupdateSet the system timezone based on IP geolocation.
unfooSimple bash driven frontend to simplify decompression of files
uptimedSystem uptime record daemon that keeps track of your highest uptimes
vcontroldDaemon for communication with Viessmann Vito heatings
vcpCopy files/directories in a curses interface
vifmConsole file manager with vi(m)-like keybindings
vitA lightweight, fast, curses-based front end to Taskwarrior
vittkA front end for Taskwarrior (app-misc/task)
vlockAllows to lock one or all of the sessions of your console display
votrifyTool for community verification of Gentoo elections
vzstatsOpenVZ stats collection daemon
wally-cliFlash your ZSA Keyboard the EZ way
wayland-utilsDisplay information about supported Wayland protocols and current compositor
wcdWherever Change Directory
wegglia fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases
whenMinimalistic personal calendar program
wipeSecure file wiping utility based on Peter Gutman's patterns
workerWorker Filemanager: Amiga Directory Opus 4 clone
xmindBrainstorming and mind mapping software tool
yqCommand-line YAML processor - jq wrapper for YAML documents
yq-goyq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML, JSON and XML processor
ytreeCurses-based file manager
zellijA terminal workspace with batteries included
zisofs-toolsUser utilities for zisofs


Packages: 303

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