abs | The ABS programing language |
ada-bootstrap | Binary bootstrap compiler for GNAT (Ada compiler) |
algol68g | Algol 68 Genie compiler-interpreter |
ammonite-repl-bin | Scala language-based scripting and REPL |
arc | New dialect of Lisp, works well for web applications |
ats2 | Functional programming language with dependent types |
bas | An interpreter for the classic dialect of the programming language BASIC |
bff | A brainfuck interpreter |
boogie | SMT-based program verifier |
cfortran | Header file allowing to call Fortran routines from C and C++ |
c-intercal | C-INTERCAL - INTERCAL to binary (via C) compiler |
clips | Tool for building Expert Systems (native version) |
clipsjni | Tool for building Expert Systems (Java version) |
cll1h | C<<1 programming language system |
clojure | General-purpose programming language with an emphasis on functional programming |
closure-compiler-bin | JavaScript optimizing compiler |
coffee-script | A little language that compiles into javascript |
crystal | The Crystal Programming Language |
cue | open-source data validation language and inference engine |
cxprolog | A WAM based Prolog system |
dafny | Dafny is a verification-aware programming language |
dafny-bin | Verification-aware programming language |
duktape | Embeddable Javascript engine |
dzaima-bqn | A BQN language implementation written in Java, also know as dbqn |
eisl | Interpreter and compiler compatible with the ISLisp standard |
elixir | Elixir programming language |
elpi | Embeddable Lambda Prolog Interpreter in OCaml |
erlang | Erlang programming language, runtime environment and libraries (OTP) |
esco | Combine interpreter of esoteric languages |
execline | A non-interactive scripting language |
f2c | Fortran to C converter |
fennel | Lisp-like language that compiles to Lua |
fpc | Free Pascal Compiler |
fuzion | A language with a focus on simplicity, safety and correctness |
gdl | GNU Data Language |
gforth | GNU Forth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANSI Forth language |
ghc | The Glasgow Haskell Compiler |
gleam | A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems! |
gnat-gpl | GNAT Ada Compiler - GPL version |
gnucobol | A free/libre COBOL compiler |
gnuprologjava | GNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of ISO Prolog as a Java library |
go | A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language |
go-bootstrap | Bootstrap package for dev-lang/go |
gprolog | Native Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains (FD) |
grass | A Sass compiler written purely in Rust |
haxe | Multi-target universal programming language |
icon | Very high level language |
idris2 | Purely functional programming language with first class types |
inform | Design system for interactive fiction |
interprolog | InterProlog is a Java front-end and enhancement for Prolog |
ispc | Intel SPMD Program Compiler |
janet | A dynamic Lisp dialect and bytecode vm |
jerryscript | Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things |
jimtcl | Small footprint implementation of Tcl programming language |
jint | Javascript Interpreter for .NET |
jsonnet | A data templating language for app and tool developers |
julia | High-performance programming language for technical computing |
julia-bin | High-performance programming language for technical computing |
jwasm | MASM-compatible TASM-similar assembler (fork of Wasm) |
kotlin-bin | Statically typed language that targets the JVM and JavaScript |
lazarus | feature rich visual programming environment emulating Delphi |
lfe | Lisp-flavoured Erlang |
lisaac | An object prototype based language |
logtalk | Open source object-oriented logic programming language |
lua | A powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications |
luajit | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
luau | Gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua |
maude | High-level specification language for equational and logic programming |
mercury | Mercury is a modern general-purpose logic/functional programming language |
mercury-extras | Additional libraries and tools that are not part of the Mercury standard library |
micropython | Python implementation for microcontrollers |
mlton | Standard ML optimizing compiler and libraries |
mmix | Donald Knuth's MMIX Assembler and Simulator |
moarvm | A 6model-based VM for NQP and Raku |
mond | Mond is a scripting language for .NET Core |
mono | Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter |
mono-basic | Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime |
mrustc | Mutabah's Rust Compiler |
mujs | An embeddable JavaScript interpreter written in C |
nasm | groovy little assembler |
neko | Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language |
nelua | Statically-typed systems programming language inspired by Lua |
nim | Compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language |
nprolog | Interpreter and compiler to be compatible with Arity/Prolog32 |
nqp | Not Quite Perl, a Raku bootstrapping compiler |
ocaml | Programming language supporting functional, imperative & object-oriented styles |
oorexx | Open source implementation of Object Rexx |
orc | The Oil Runtime Compiler, a just-in-time compiler for array operations |
parrot | Virtual machine designed to compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages |
pcc | pcc portable c compiler |
perl | Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language |
php | The PHP language runtime engine |
pico8 | Fantasy console for making and playing tiny games and other computer programs |
polyml | Poly/ML is a full implementation of Standard ML |
pypy | A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (3.10) language |
pypy3-exe | PyPy3.11 executable (build from source) |
pypy3-exe-bin | PyPy3.11 executable (pre-built version) |
python | An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language |
python-exec | Python script wrapper |
python-exec-conf | Configuration file for dev-lang/python-exec |
qore | Qore, the embeddable multithreaded scripting language |
qu-prolog | Extended Prolog supporting quantifiers, object-variables and substitutions |
R | Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics |
rakudo | A compiler for the Raku programming language |
rapydscript-ng | Pythonic JavaScript that doesn't suck |
regina-rexx | Portable Rexx interpreter |
ruby | An object-oriented scripting language |
rust | Systems programming language originally developed by Mozilla |
rust-bin | Systems programming language from Mozilla |
rust-common | Common files shared between multiple slots of Rust |
sassc | A libsass command line driver |
scala-bin | The Scala Programming Language |
scrapscript | Functional, content-addressable programming language |
smlnj | Standard ML of New Jersey compiler and libraries |
snobol | Phil Budne's port of Macro SNOBOL4 in C, for modern machines |
souffle | Datalog compiler, synthesizes C++ program from logic specification |
spark | Software development for high-reliability applications |
spidermonkey | Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C and C++ |
squirrel | A interpreted language mainly used for games |
swig | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator |
swi-prolog | Versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language |
tcc | A very small C compiler for ix86/amd64 |
tcl | Tool Command Language |
teyjus | Higher-order logic programming language Lambda Prolog |
tk | Tk Widget Set |
tuprolog | tuProlog is a light-weight Prolog for Internet applications and infrastructures |
typescript | Superset of JavaScript with optional static typing, classes and interfaces |
uasm | UASM is a free MASM-compatible assembler |
vala | Compiler for the GObject type system |
whitespace | Whitespace, an esoteric programming language |
xsb | XSB is a logic programming and deductive database system |
yap | YAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler |
yasm | An assembler for x86 and x86_64 instruction sets |
zig | A robust, optimal, and maintainable programming language |
zig-bin | A robust, optimal, and maintainable programming language |