aic8800 | aic8800 driver for AICSemi AIC8800/8801/8800DC/8800DW/8800FC Wifi/Bluetooth |
aircrack-ng | WLAN tools for breaking 802.11 WEP/WPA keys |
airspy | Usemode driver and associated tools for airspy |
airtraf | AirTraf 802.11b Wireless traffic sniffer |
b43-fwcutter | Firmware tool for Broadcom 43xx-based wireless devices using mac80211 |
bdaddr | Utility for changing the Bluetooth device address |
bladerf | Libraries for supporing the BladeRF hardware from Nuand |
bladerf-firmware | bladeRF FX3 firmware images |
bladerf-fpga | bladeRF FPGA bitstreams |
blueman | Simple and intuitive GTK+ Bluetooth Manager |
bluez | Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux |
bluez-tools | A set of tools to manage bluetooth devices for linux |
broadcom-sta | Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device driver |
bss | Bluetooth stack smasher / fuzzer |
crackle | Crackle cracks BLE Encryption (AKA Bluetooth Smart) |
dump1090 | Simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices |
gnome-bluetooth | Bluetooth graphical utilities integrated with GNOME |
gnuradio | Toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios |
gobi_loader | gobi_loader is a firmware loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB chipsets |
gqrx | Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt |
gqrx-scanner | frequency scanner for Gqrx Software Defined Radio receiver |
gr-ieee802154 | IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Transceiver |
gr-iqbal | gnuradio I/Q balancing |
gr-osmosdr | GNU Radio source block for OsmoSDR and rtlsdr and hackrf |
gr-paint | Paints monochrome images into the waterfall of a receiver |
gr-rds | GNU Radio FM RDS Receiver |
gr-scopy | Scopy IIO blocks for GNU Radio |
hackrf-tools | tools for communicating with HackRF SDR platform |
hidclient | Use your machine as a bluetooh keyboard/mouse |
horst | Small 802.11 wireless LAN analyzer |
hostapd | IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN Host AP daemon |
hostap-utils | Utilities for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3 based IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN products |
inspectrum | Tool for analysing captured signals from software-defined radio receivers |
iw | nl80211 configuration utility for wireless devices using the mac80211 stack |
iwd | Wireless daemon for linux |
iwgtk | Lightweight, graphical wifi management utility for Linux |
kismet | IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN sniffer |
kismetmobiledashboard | Mobile UI for kismet |
liblms7002m | Compact LMS7002M library suitable for resource-limited MCUs |
libusb3380 | USB3380 abstraction layer for libusb |
libxtrx | High-level XTRX API library |
libxtrxdsp | DSP specific function for SDR in general and XTRX in specific |
libxtrxll | Low-level XTRX hardware abstraction library |
limesuite | Driver and GUI for LMS7002M-based SDR platforms |
lorcon | A generic library for injecting 802.11 frames |
madwimax | Reverse-engineered driver for WiMAX devices based on Samsung CMC-730 chip |
mdk | Wireless injection tool with various functions |
mfoc | Mifare Classic Offline Cracker |
nanovna-saver | tool for reading, displaying and saving data from the NanoVNA |
neard | Near Field Communication (NFC) management daemon |
osmo-fl2k | turns FL2000-based USB 3.0 to VGA adapters into low cost DACs |
portapack-firmware | Firmware and scripts for controlling the Portapack from Sharebrained |
portapack-havoc | Custom firmware for the HackRF SDR + PortaPack H1 addon |
qdmr | GUI application for configuring and programming cheap DMR radios |
reaver | Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup |
rtl_433 | Decode OOK modulated signals |
rtl-sdr | Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver |
rtl-sdr-blog | Modified Osmocom drivers with enhancements for RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 units |
sdrplay | SDRplay API/HW driver for all RSPs |
sigdigger | The free digital signal analyzer |
sigutils | signal processing library for blind signal analysis and automatic demodulation |
soapybladerf | Soapy SDR plugin for the Blade RF |
soapyhackrf | SoapySDR HackRF module |
soapyplutosdr | Soapy SDR plugin for the Pluto SDR |
soapyremote | Soapy SDR remote module |
soapyrtlsdr | SoapySDR RTL-SDR Support Module |
soapysdr | vendor and platform neutral SDR support library |
soapysdrplay | Soapy SDR plugin for SDRPlay |
soapyuhd | Soapy SDR plugins for UHD supported SDR devices |
suscan | a realtime DSP processing library |
suwidgets | graphical library containing all SigDigger's custom widgets |
tempestsdr | Remote video eavesdropping using a software-defined radio platform |
ubertooth | open source wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation |
uhd | Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) Hardware Driver |
unifi | A Management Controller for Ubiquiti Networks UniFi APs |
urh | Universal Radio Hacker: investigate wireless protocols like a boss |
wavemon | Ncurses based monitor for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards |
wepattack | WLAN tool for breaking 802.11 WEP keys |
wepdecrypt | Enhanced version of WepAttack a tool for breaking 802.11 WEP keys |
wireless-regdb | Wireless Regulatory database for Linux |
wireless-tools | A collection of tools to configure IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards |
wpa_supplicant | IEEE 802.1X/WPA supplicant for secure wireless transfers |