3dfm | OpenGL-based 3D File Manager |
accessx | Interface to the XKEYBOARD extension in X11 |
alacarte | Simple GNOME menu editor |
alock | locks the local X display until a password is entered |
appmenu-gtk-module | Application menu module for GTK |
apwal | A simple application launcher and combined editor |
arandr | Another XRandR GUI |
autocutsel | Synchronise the two copy/paste buffers mainly used by X applications |
autorandr | Automatically select a display configuration based on connected devices |
barrier | Share a mouse and keyboard between computers (fork of Synergy) |
bbacpi | ACPI monitor for X11 |
bbcd | Basic CD Player for blackbox wm |
bbdate | blackbox date display |
bbkeys | Use keyboard shortcuts in the blackbox wm |
bblaunch | An application launcher for Blackbox type window managers |
bbmail | blackbox mail notification |
bbpager | An understated pager for Blackbox |
bbppp | blackbox ppp frontend/monitor |
bbrun | blackbox program execution dialog box |
bbtime | blackbox time watcher |
bbweather | blackbox weather monitor |
birdtray | A new mail system tray notification icon for Thunderbird |
blockdpy | Tool to block access via the physical display while x11vnc is running |
bumblebee | Service providing elegant and stable means of managing Optimus graphics chipsets |
cairo-clock | An analog clock displaying the system-time |
cbatticon | A lightweight and fast battery icon that sits in your system tray |
cdm | The Console Display Manager |
chgres | A very simple command line utility for changing X resolutions |
clipmenu | Clipboard management |
clipnotify | Notify on new X clipboard events |
colord | System service to accurately color manage input and output devices |
compose-tables | X.Org Compose Key tables from libX11 |
copyq | Clipboard manager with advanced features |
dclock | Digital clock for the X window system |
devilspie | Window matching utility similar to Sawfish's Matched Windows |
devilspie2 | Window matching utility with Lua scripting |
dex | DesktopEntry eXecution - tool to manage and launch autostart entries |
dmenu | a generic, highly customizable, and efficient menu for the X Window System |
dunst | Lightweight replacement for common notification daemons |
dxpc | Differential X Protocol Compressor |
dzen | General purpose messaging, notification, and menu utility |
e16-keyedit | Key binding editor for Enlightenment DR16 |
e16menuedit2 | Menu editor for Enlightenment DR16 written in GTK2 |
efax-gtk | A graphical frontend for the 'efax' application |
emacs-desktop-mail | Desktop entries for handling mailto URIs with GNU Emacs |
evolvotron | Generative art image evolver |
fbdesk | fluxbox-util application that creates and manage icons on your Fluxbox desktop |
fbpager | A Pager for fluxbox |
fbpanel | Light-weight X11 desktop panel |
fireflies | Fireflies screensaver: Wicked cool eye candy |
flow-pomodoro | Pomodoro app that blocks distractions while you work |
fluxter | Workspace pager dockapp, particularly useful with the Fluxbox window manager |
fpm2 | A GUI password manager utility with password generator |
fracplanet | Fractal planet and terrain generator |
fraqtive | Open source, multi-platform generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals |
ftmenu | Tray menu for the Fluxbox toolbar |
gammastep | A screen color temperature adjusting software |
gbase | A convert program for decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary values |
gbdfed | gbdfed Bitmap Font Editor |
gccmakedep | create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M' |
genmenu | menu generator for *box, WindowMaker, and Enlightenment |
gigolo | A frontend to easily manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs |
gmrun | A GTK-2 based launcher box with bash style auto completion! |
gpaste | Clipboard management system |
grabc | Identify color of a pixel on the screen by clicking on a pixel on the screen |
gromit | GRaphics Over MIscellaneous Things, a presentation helper |
grsync | A gtk frontend to rsync |
grub2-theme-preview | Preview a GRUB 2.x theme using KVM/QEMU |
grun | A GTK based Run dialog resembling the Windows Run dialog, just like xexec |
gtkdialog | A small utility for fast and easy GUI building |
gxmessage | A GTK+ based xmessage clone |
hsetroot | Tool which allows you to compose wallpapers ('root pixmaps') for X |
i3blocks | highly flexible status line for the i3 window manager |
i3blocks-contrib | A set of scripts for i3blocks, contributed by the community |
i3lock | Simple screen locker |
i3status | Generates a status bar for dzen2, xmobar or similar |
iconbox | App for placing icons in a menu which auto-hides |
icon-naming-utils | Utils to help with the transition to the new freedesktop.org naming scheme |
idesk | Utility to place icons on the root window |
idesk-extras | Graphical configuration for iDesk plus icons |
imake | C preprocessor interface to the make utility |
imwheel | mouse tool for advanced features such as wheels and 3+ buttons |
j4-dmenu-desktop | A fast desktop replacement for i3-dmenu-desktop |
kapow | Punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours |
kbdd | Very simple layout switcher |
kdocker | Helper to dock any application into the system tray |
kronometer | Stopwatch application |
ktsuss | Graphical version of su written in C and GTK+ 2 |
libinput-gestures | Actions gestures on your touchpad using libinput |
lightdm | A lightweight display manager |
lightdm-gtk-greeter | LightDM GTK+ Greeter |
lightdm-mini-greeter | A Minimal, Configurable, Single-User GTK3 LightDM Greeter |
light-locker | A simple locker using lightdm |
lineakd | Linux support for Easy Access and Internet Keyboards |
lineak-defaultplugin | Mute/unmute and other macros for LINEAK |
lineak-xosdplugin | Xosd plugin for LINEAK |
lndir | create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree |
lsw | list window names |
macopix | MaCoPiX (Mascot Constructive Pilot for X) is a desktop mascot application |
makedepend | create dependencies in makefiles |
matchbox-keyboard | Matchbox-keyboard is an on screen 'virtual' or 'software' keyboard |
mate-notification-daemon | MATE Notification daemon |
menulibre | Advanced freedesktop.org compliant menu editor |
menumaker | Utility that scans through the system and generates a menu of installed programs |
meteo | Forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API |
mgm | Moaning Goat Meter: load and status meter written in Perl |
mixer_app | mixer_app has volume controllers that can be configured to handle sound sources |
mozo | Mozo menu editor for MATE |
mugshot | A lightweight user-configuration application |
mygestures | Mouse gestures for X |
netwmpager | Pager that works with Openbox and other EWMH compliant window managers |
nitrogen | A background browser and setter for X |
notification-daemon | Notification daemon |
notify-osd | Canonical's on-screen-display notification agent |
numlockx | Changes keyboard's numlock state under X |
obconf | Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager |
obconf-qt | Qt GUI Openbox Configuration Tool |
obmenu-generator | A fast pipe/static menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager |
openbox-menu | Another dynamic menu generator for Openbox |
oroborus-deskmenu | root menu program for Oroborus |
oroborus-keylaunch | utility for binding keys in Oroborus |
parcellite | Lightweight GTK+ based clipboard manager |
pcmanfm | Fast lightweight tabbed filemanager |
pcmanfm-qt | Qt GUI Tabbed Filemanager |
peksystray | System tray dockapp for window managers supporting docking |
picom | A lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork) |
piedock | A little bit like the famous OS X dock but in shape of a pie menu |
polybar | A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars |
prime-run | Run programs on the discrete nVidia video card |
primus | Faster OpenGL offloading for Bumblebee |
projecteur | Linux Desktop Application for the Logitech Spotlight device |
py3status | py3status is an extensible i3status wrapper written in python |
qarma | Zenity Clone for Qt |
qcomicbook | Viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images |
qlipper | Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet |
qps | Qt GUI Process Manager |
qt5ct | Qt5 configuration tool, similar to qtconfig for Qt4 |
qterm | BBS client based on Qt |
qtfm | Small, lightweight file manager based on pure Qt |
quitcount | A simple applet that shows what you saved since you quit smoking |
qxkb | Qt-based keyboard layout switcher |
read-edid | Program that can get information from a PnP monitor |
redshift | A screen color temperature adjusting software |
rendercheck | Tests for compliance with X RENDER extension |
revelation | A password manager for GNOME |
rofi | A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement |
rofi-calc | Do live calculations in rofi! |
rofi-file-browser-extended | A file browser for rofi |
rss-glx | Really Slick OpenGL Screensavers for XScreenSaver |
safeeyes | Linux alternative to EyeLeo |
screengrab | Qt GUI Screenshot Utility |
screenkey | A screencast tool to display your keys inspired by Screenflick |
screen-message | Display a multi-line message large, fullscreen, black on white |
sct | Set color temperature of the screen |
sddm | Simple Desktop Display Manager |
seetxt | Clever, lightweight GUI text file and manual page viewer for X windows |
sent | Simple plaintext presentation tool |
set_opacity | Tool for set real compositing for windows through window's id, process' pid etc. |
shared-mime-info | The Shared MIME-info Database specification |
shutter | Feature-rich screenshot program |
simpleswitcher | lightweight EWMH window switcher with features and looks of dmenu |
skippy | A full-screen task-switcher providing Apple Expose-like functionality |
slim | Simple Login Manager resurrected |
slock | simple X display locker |
slop | Application that queries the user for a selection for printing |
snixembed | Proxy StatusNotifierItems as XEmbedded systemtray-spec icons |
spacefm | A multi-panel tabbed file manager |
splatmoji | Quickly look up and input emoji and/or emoticons |
spnavcfg | Qt-based GUI to configure a space navigator device |
stalonetray | System tray utility including support for KDE system tray icons |
sunflower | Small and highly customizable twin-panel file manager with plugin-support |
sux | "su" wrapper which transfers X credentials |
svkbd | Simple Virtual Keyboard |
sxcs | Color picker and magnifier for X11 |
sxhkd | Simple X hotkey daemon |
synergy | Lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers |
tabbed | Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications |
tdrop | WM-Independent Dropdown Creator |
tint2 | Lightweight panel/taskbar for Linux |
tinynotify-send | A notification sending utility (using libtinynotify) |
touchcal | Touchscreen calibration utility |
trayer | Lightweight GTK+ based systray for UNIX desktop |
trayer-srg | trayer fork with multi monitor support and cleaned up codebase |
unclutter-xfixes | Hides mouse pointer while not in use (rewrite of unclutter) |
urxvt-font-size | Perl extension for rxvt-unicode to change the font size on the fly |
urxvt-perls | Perl extensions for rxvt-unicode |
urxvt-tabbedex | An extended version of rxvt-unicode's tabbed perl extension |
util-macros | X.Org autotools utility macros |
vdpauinfo | Displays info about your card's VDPAU support |
viewglob | Graphical display of directories and globs referenced at the shell prompt |
virtualgl | Run OpenGL applications remotely with full 3D hardware acceleration |
vym | View Your Mind, a mindmap tool |
wayv | Wayv is hand-writing/gesturing recognition software for X |
wbar | A fast, lightweight quick launch bar |
wdm | WINGs Display Manager |
whaw | Window manager independent Window Layout tool |
wininfo | An X app that follows your pointer providing information about the windows below |
wmctrl | Command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager |
wmname | Utility to set the name of your window manager |
x11vnc | VNC server for real X displays |
x2vnc | Control a remote computer running VNC from X |
x2x | A utility to connect the mouse and keyboard to another X |
xaos | Very fast real-time fractal zoomer |
xautolock | An automatic X screen-locker/screen-saver |
xautomation | Control X from command line and find things on screen |
xbatt | Notebook battery indicator for X |
xbattbar | Advanced Power Management battery status display for X |
xbindkeys | Tool for launching commands on keystrokes |
xbitmaps | X.Org bitmaps data |
xcalendar | Simple interactive calendar program with a notebook capability |
xcalib | Tiny monitor calibration loader for X.org |
xcape | Utility to make modifier keys send custom key events when pressed on their own |
xcave | View and manage contents of your wine cellar |
xcb | Marc Lehmann's improved X Cut Buffers |
xclip | Copy data from standard input to X clipboard |
xcompmgr | X Compositing manager |
xdaliclock | Dali Clock is a digital clock. When a digit changes, it melts into its new shape |
xdesktopwaves | Cellular automata setting the background of your X Windows desktop under water |
xdg-user-dirs | Tool to help manage 'well known' user directories |
xdg-user-dirs-gtk | Integrates xdg-user-dirs into the Gnome desktop and Gtk+ applications |
xdg-utils | Portland utils for cross-platform/cross-toolkit/cross-desktop interoperability |
xdialog | Drop-in replacement for cdialog using GTK |
xdiskusage | User-friendly program to show you what is using up all your disk space |
xdo | Small X utility to perform elementary actions on windows |
xdock | Emulates Window Maker docks (runs in any window manager) |
xdotool | Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows |
xearth | Set the X root window to an image of the Earth |
xfe | MS-Explorer-like minimalist file manager for X |
xfishtank | Turns your root window into an aquarium |
xflux | Makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of the day |
xflux-gui | A GUI for f.lux |
xfractint | A fractal generator |
xgestures | A mouse gesture recognition program for X11 desktops |
xhkeys | Assign particular actions to any key or key combination |
xiccd | A desktop environment-independent bridge between colord and X |
xidle | Monitors inactivity in X and runs the specified program when a timeout occurs |
xkbd | onscreen soft keyboard for X11 |
xkblayout-state | Small program to get/set the current XKB layout |
xkbset | User preference utility for XKB extensions for X |
xkeyboard-config | X keyboard configuration database |
xkeycaps | GUI frontend to xmodmap |
xlockmore | Just another screensaver application for X |
xmobar | A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar |
xmountains | Fractal terrains of snow-capped mountains near water |
xnots | Desktop sticky note program for the unix geek |
xorg-cf-files | Old Imake-related build files |
xosview | X11 operating system viewer |
xpad | A sticky note application for GTK |
xplanet | Render images of the earth into the X root window |
xprintidle | Prints user's X server idle time in milliseconds |
xrootconsole | Utility that displays its input in a text box on your root window |
xscreensaver | Modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System |
xscreensaver-app | XScreenSaver dockapp for the Window Maker window manager |
xsel | Command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection |
xsensors | A hardware health information viewer, interface to lm-sensors |
xsetleds | Small tool to report and change the keyboard LED states of an X display |
xsettingsd | Provides settings to X11 applications via the XSETTINGS specification |
xsnap | Program to interactively take a 'snapshot' of a region of the screen |
xsnow | let it snow on your desktop and windows |
xsr | X Steps Recorder |
xsri | The xsri wallpaper setter from RedHat |
xss-lock | Use external locker as X screen saver |
xssstate | A simple tool to retrieve the X screensaver state |
xteddy | A cuddly teddy bear (or other image) for your X desktop |
xtermcontrol | xtermcontrol enables dynamic control of XFree86 xterm properties |
xtitle | Set window title and icon name for an X11 terminal window |
xtoolwait | Xtoolwait notably decreases the startup time of an X session |
xtrace | X11 protocol trace utility |
xtrlock | A simplistic screen locking program for X |
xvfb-run | Run a command in a virtual X server environment |
xvkbd | virtual keyboard for X window system |
xwallpaper | Wallpaper setting utility for X |
xwit | A collection of simple routines to call some of those X11 functions |
xwrits | Reminds you to take wrist breaks to help you prevent repetitive stress injury |
xxkb | eXtended XKB - assign different keymaps to different windows |
xystray | A simple implementation of freedesktop.org notification area for X |
yabar | A modern and lightweight status bar for X window managers |
ydotool | Generic command-line automation tool (no X!) |
zim | A desktop wiki |